Compartmentalisation. In computer science, this means that code is clearly divided into different tasks. This is done routinely because it makes the code easier to debug. Errors are easier to find and fix this way, and it is also easier for another programmer to read and understand the intent of different parts of the programme. The human brain lacks this kind of hard division into modules. There are many powerpoint artists who show pictures of the brain where certain areas are lit up, and will usually have you believe that this means that this part of the brain is responsible for a specific task. This is an irresistible simplification because it gives us the feeling that we can understand the brain (and thereby ourselves and other humans) with our verbal reasoning mind, but unfortunately this is not true. To transfer the analogy in the case of troubleshooting, I think that the brain is kept debugged by homeostatic processes that regulate abnormalities in a chemically sweeping and imprecise way.
Kategorier: ai psychology
Sökord: computers,neuropsychology